Recovery Websites & Blogs

Recovery Websites & Blogs



STAT is a national publication focused on finding and telling compelling stories about health, medicine, and scientific discovery. We produce daily news, investigative articles, and narrative projects in addition to multimedia features. We tell our stories from the places that matter to our readers — research labs, hospitals, executive suites, and political campaigns.

The publication has many up-to-date articles about opioid, pharmacutical, and healthcare issues. The frequently co-author with local journalists, such as the Boston Globe


The Fix

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The Fix is a website about addiction and recovery, featuring a daily mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, investigative reports, essays and blogs on sober living, lifestyle and cultural resources, as well as knowledge and wisdom from expert counsel. We also offer Rehab Reviews, with input from alumni, plus extensive directories and practical guides for dealing with addiction and related mental health and life issues. Further, The Fix provides an extensive forum for debating relevant issues, allowing a large community the opportunity to express its experiences and opinions on all matters pertinent to addiction and recovery without bias or control from The Fix. Their stated editorial mission - and sole bias - is to destigmatize all forms of addiction and mental health matters, support recovery, and assist toward humane policies and resources.


Faces & Voices of Recovery

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Faces & Voices of Recovery is a recovery advocacy organization promoting policies that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.

As it says on their site: "Our supporters are individuals who believe that by eliminating stigma and discrimination and removing barriers to recovery more Americans will lead healthy lives in long-term recovery. Together we advance policies that reduce discrimination, and seek solutions that promote access to the treatment and recovery support services necessary to live a life in recovery. We work to ensure that Federal and State policies reflect the hope and resilience found in communities of recovery working to help others through a comprehensive approach to solving the addiction crisis in America."


William White Papers


This site contains the full text of more than 300 articles, 8 monographs, 30+ recovery tools, 9 book chapters, 3 books, and links to an additional 17 books written by William White and co-authors over the past four decades as well as more than 100 interviews with addiction treatment and recovery leaders. The purpose of this site is to create a single location where such material may be located by those interested in the history of addiction treatment and recovery in the United States. Those papers selected for inclusion contain all of the articles and monographs authored by William White on the new recovery advocacy movement, recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care. It is hoped that this resource library will serve present and future generations of addiction professionals, recovery coaches and recovery advocates.

The Sober World


The Sober World Magazine is published monthly using an educational and informative approach as an outreach to parents, families, groups and those struggling with drugs, alcohol and other behavioral problems. The magazine is presented in full-color, with an attractive cover that changes monthly. 



This network of writers and bloggers are industry leaders interested in the field of addiction treatment. The site embraces new ideas and alternative approaches for the treatment of all types of addiction and aims to stimulate intelligent communication about the trends and discoveries in the treatment of addictions.



Blogger and freelance science writer Dirk Hanson maintains this blog. This is a popular spot to learn about scientific and medical findings on drugs and alcohol. Posts include interviews with neuroscientists, drug policy czars, social science professors, and many others. Hanson simplifies complex medical information on drugs, addiction, alcoholism and treatment therapies to make them easy to read and understand.



Run by a licensed certified addictions counselor who is also in long term recovery, this blog offers an opportunity for discussion of addiction treatment, recovery, support services, 12 Step Programs, and any other material relevant to addictions and recovery. Newcomers to recovery, old timers, addictions professionals, significant others of a person with a drug or alcohol problem, are all welcome. Registration is required.



This blog follows the recovery and insights of a mom with a successful career as she talks about the meaning of addiction and common assumptions about drug abuse. The author’s moving personal posts show how practices like yoga and everyday experiences can support recovery. The blog is directed towards addicts and their loved ones.



A gentle, inspirational blog by a woman in recovery.

For 20 years Carolyn called alcohol ‘The Hurt Healer. It helped numb the pain of being abandoned as a child by her mother and being abused by her father. It gave her confidence to deal with the present and took away her fears for the future. But her addiction also kept her trapped in a cycle of despair and hopelessness.

During her 17 years in recovery, Carolyn has found freedom in sobriety and has overcome long-term depression. Having reclaimed her life, her ‘Hurt Healer’ today is faith, love, serenity, joy, positivity and creativity.



An honest and insightful account of a woman and mother’s journey from addiction through recovery, and after, from a Christian perspective.



This is a well maintained and thoughtful blog on many aspects of recovery, including different perspectives and ways of looking at addiction and recovery. The purpose is to communicate the struggle and processes that bring those in recovery together and provide support that gives strength and courage to keep fighting. Another focus is to help inspire understanding and compassion for those in recovery and see what is helpful in that process.


Recovery Reflections 

Certified coach and addiction counselor Tim Welch publishes daily affirmations, uplifting quotes, poems, and stories offered by people in recovery and their loved ones, as well as images of calming and inspirational landscapes.



This engaging and insightful blog touches on all aspects of living life in recovery. It is done with wisdom and humor and presents a unique look at processing life through the lens of recovery.


Yoga and Recovery

Written by a yoga teacher in recovery, this blog focuses on healing, self care, breathing, AA, addiction, co-dependency, working a practice for health and self discovery, relapse prevention and compassion.


Forums & Online Communities

  • Addiction Recovery Guide Forums – A place to share stories and ask questions about treatment for all kinds of addictions.
  • Forum – An open forum to discuss prescription drug addiction and ways to live healthier.
  • – A popular drug information and addiction forum that is run by a small non-profit.
  • – A forum where people can ask questions and discuss anything from drug addiction to mental disorders.
  • SMART Recovery Forums – An online meeting place for those going through the SMART program to discuss their progress and support one another.
  • SoberRecovery Forums – A place where people who are living sober lifestyles after suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction can openly share stories and experiences.

The following sites, forums, online communities were found on William White's site in this blog post.

Forums and online communities


Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment

Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment

Detox Medication

Detox Medication